2024 Farwest Show New Varieties Showcase: Starway to Heaven Japanese Snowbell Wins Big

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Starway to Heaven Japanese Snowbell Wins Judges’ Best in Show at 2024 Farwest Show New Varieties Showcase

Starway to Heaven Japanese Snowbell (Styrax japonicus) was chosen by professional judges as the Best in Show winner in the 2024 Farwest Show’s New Varieties Showcase.

The plant (that’s “starway,” not “stairway”), discovered by Chris and Josh Robinson at Robinson Nursery in Amity, OR, was introduced by Spring Meadow Nursery in Grand Haven, MI. It was one of 25 outstanding new selections on display at the 2024 Farwest Show and available from at least one show exhibitor.

“Our judges were impressed with the variety and dazzling looks of the plants at this year’s showcase,” says Oregon Association of Nurseries (OAN) Event Coordinator Jamie Moore. “New introductions keep the industry moving forward. They deliver new options for landscapers and homeowners to dress up landscapes and bring more functionality and pizzazz.”

Starway to Heaven Japanese Snowbell is a reblooming styrax with petite, five-petalled flowers that resemble a galaxy of stars when it blooms in the spring, and again in the fall, when it reblooms. Each flower has a shimmering, almost metallic effect that sparkles in the landscape. Its deep green, glossy foliage emerges red, and its narrow, space-saving habit beautifies landscapes both large and small.

There’s Always Room to Grow Your Greenhouse Knowledge

Unlike other Styrax on the market, Starway has a high rate of rooting success by cutting. It is hardy to Zones 5 to 9. It is available as bare-root and container-grown liner trees from Farwest exhibitors Proven Winners, Robinson Nursery, and Ekstrom & Schmidt Nursery.

In addition to the Best in Show award, judges gave three Awards of Merit as follows:

  • Cleopatra Flame Violet (Episcia cupreata ‘Cleopatra’): Introduced by Cascade Tropicals of Snohomish, WA. This easy-care houseplant offers a showy combination of pink, white, and green satin foliage. It reaches 12 inches wide by 10 inches tall. Outside it would be hardy to Zones 10 to 12. The plant is available in 2-inch, 4-inch, and 6-inch containers.
  • Lime Zest Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa macra ‘HakBri2’): Introduced by Briggs Nursery of Elma, WA. Lime Zest features eye-catching lime-colored foliage with white to cream variegation along with plum-colored shoots. It adds texture and movement to a landscape and accompanies well with dark-leaved shrubs. Lime Zest is a great new addition to complement its predecessor Hakonechloa macra ‘HakBri1’ Lemon Zest. It looks great when planted alone or in mass plantings and brightens up those lower-light areas. It reaches 12 to 14 inches tall by 18 to 24 inches wide and is hardy to Zones 5 to 8. The plant is available as liners and containers.
  • Paisley Pup Doghobble (Leucothoe fontansiana ‘Smnlfgrv’): Hybridized by Proven Winners and introduced by Walla Walla Nursery Co. of Walla Walla, WA. This broadleaf evergreen is native to North America and is filled with eye-catching variegated foliage in shades of pink, green, cream, and bronze. Tiny bell-shaped blooms are strung along arching branches, feeding pollinators in the late springtime. Shade-tolerant, deer-resistant, and low-growing. Hardy to Zones 5 to 8. The plant is available in 2-gallon containers.

Starway to Heaven Also Wins People’s Choice Balloting at 2024 Farwest Show

Nursery industry professionals attending the 2024 Farwest Show chose Starway to Heaven Japanese Snowbell (Styrax japonicus) as their favorite new plant in the New Varieties Showcase. That made it a clean sweep for the new tree.

The reblooming tree, with foliage that emerges red and turns a deep green, was discovered from amongst a group of trees grown from seed. It looked different from other snowbells, with petite, five-petalled flowers that resembled a galaxy of stars. Each flower has a shimmering, almost metallic effect that sparkles in the landscape.

“I had no idea Styrax could look like that,” says Chris Robinson. “It looks like a spiral staircase going up.”

The Robinsons watched the seedling grow for several years before deciding to introduce it into the marketplace. They turned to Spring Meadow Nursery in Grand Haven, MI, to introduce and market the plant. It’s being propagated from tissue culture in the lab at Knight Hollow Nursery Inc. in Middleton, WI.

The introduction of Starway to Heaven marks the completion of the dream for the two Robinson brothers, who grew up in the nursery their parents, Rick and Roxanne, founded. “When we were kids, it was our dream to have an introduction that was successful, or different enough to attract attention,” says Josh.

“The quality of plants in this year’s showcase was once again high,” says OAN Event Coordinator Jamie Moore. “People love to see the next dazzling plants that are going to shake up the marketplace and beautify landscapes.”

Three others won Awards of Merit according to the final voting tally:

  • SUMMERIFIC Rose Mallow (Hibiscus hybrid ‘Cookies and Cream’): Hybridized by Proven Winners and introduced by Walla Walla Nursery Co. It offers a night and day combination of matte black foliage and pure white flowers. Like other dark-leaved hardy Hibiscus, full sun is necessary to bring out the deepest foliage color. Compared with older varieties of herbaceous Hibiscus, ‘Cookies and Cream’ is exceptionally compact and sturdy. Despite the smaller habit size, this selection does not lack for flowers. Blooms will appear the length of the stem, for top-to-bottom flower coverage, causing ‘Cookies and Cream’ to bloom both earlier and longer than traditional varieties. Hardy to Zones 4 to 9. Available as 2-gallon containers.
  • Hearts A’fire Redbud. (Cercis canadensis ‘JN100’): Seedling discovered by Cindy and Ray Jackson in Tennessee and introduced by Garden Debut/Greenleaf Nursery Co. A unique small tree that bursts into color in spring with dark pink flowers and heart-shaped leaves that are multiple colors of burgundy-red, tangerine, and gold. Leaves turn reddish-green in summer. It reaches a mature height of 10 to 15 feet and a spread of 10 to 15 feet. Available as bareroot liners and 5-gallon containers.
  • Skyward Lilac Long-Leaf Speedwell (Veronica longifolia ‘Balskywac’): Introduced and hybridized by Darwin Perennials. Veronica Skyward Lilac boasts dramatic lilac-colored spikes on a dense, naturally compact habit with sturdy stems. It has a high flower count and continuous blooming which makes it an excellent pollinator plant. It is also powdery mildew resistant. It reaches a mature height of 14 to 18 inches and a spread of 14 to 17 inches. Available as unrooted cuttings and liners.


All of the New Varieties Showcase selections are also viewable at https://farwestshow.com/new-varieties-showcase/.


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