Silab's Longevicell targets sirtuins for a comprehensive anti-aging effect

For this innovation, Silab delved into the latest breakthroughs in longevity science, a rapidly expanding field of research.

Targeting cellular longevity mechanisms

Skin aging is a complex process involving various biological mechanisms. Among them, Silab has identified those that can limit the decline of biological functions in order to promote well-aging.

In this regard, sirtuins play a key role. Their action is directly influenced by the availability of the coenzyme NAD+, necessary for the production of mitochondrial energy, and AMPK, a key energy sensor that protects cellular metabolism..

Extensive studies on different models of epidermal and dermal aging have enabled Silab to demonstrate the transversal action of Longevicell on several sirtuins (1, 3, 6 and 7) and their coactivators (NAD+ and AMPK). By promoting mitochondrial activity and reducing glycation and the onset of cellular senescence, the new active ingredient helps slow down the effects of skin aging.

Antiaging skin benefits in 14 days

According to Silab, thanks to its favorable impact on these mechanisms of cell longevity, Longevicell limits protein oxidation and boosts the production of cellular energy at the level of the epidermis. Its benefits extend to strengthening the dermal matrix, thus enhancing skin firmness and elasticity.

These effects become visible on the face and body within 14 days. According to Silab, the skin of Caucasian and Asian volunteers is smoothed, and complexion radiance is revived. In addition, after 28 days, the skin gains in elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles are attenuated.

Feedback from study participants also supported these findings, with 100% of Caucasian subjects reporting smoother (body) and more luminous (face) skin, and 95% identifying the product as an effective anti-wrinkle treatment, Silab reports.

Sustainable and secure supply

Myrtle leaves, a shrub native to the Mediterranean basin and valued since Greco-Roman antiquity for the benefits of its essential oil, form the core of the Longevicell formulation. Silab has enhanced its oligogalacturonans for improved efficacy.

Silab has selected Moroccan suppliers certified in organic agriculture for its sourcing. Additionally, the company carried out a thorough audit of the production process to verify the raw material’s quality and ensure traceability back to the harvest site.

A versatile patented active ingredient

Longevicell is a patented active ingredient recommended in all anti-aging face and body care products at a dose of 1 to 4%.

Available in aqueous solution, it has a natural origin content higher or equal to 99.3% (according to the ISO 16128 standard), and complies with global cosmetics regulations.

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