Deep Is The Fen by Lili Wilkinson
Merry likes things as-is. She wants things to be unruffled, uncomplicated, simple. She will avoid things like magic until the end of time.
So when her best friend Teddy says he is going to join the Toadmen, a local secret society that dabbles in the supernatural, Merry is determined to stop him. She can’t lose her best friend to, of all things, magic. Much as she cannot stomach it, Merry knows she’ll need to team up with her nemesis, Caraway, to stop Teddy.
The Toadmen are holding their latest ritual in the Deepening Fen, and much as Merry doesn’t want to go there, she must. But the Fen is far from safe, and Merry’s decision to seek the help of Caraway might lead her even further astray. Will she be able to save Teddy before it’s too late?