California Spring Trials (CAST) 2024 was held from March 20-24, 2024, covering exciting news and top varieties for the 2025 growing season and beyond. The Greenhouse Grower team pair of Dr. Allan Armitage and Senior Editor Julie Hullett were on-site throughout the annual event to experience many of the exciting entries in person and to interview growers to get scoops on the latest developments in the greenhouse industry.
Many of these interviews and insights into CAST 2024 were documented through a selection of videos, all of which can be found hosted on the Greenhouse Grower YouTube channel. Here are a few selections covering:
The Masterpiece Lobelia F1 Hybrid from Benary
The New Skeletal Coleus from Kientzler
The Black Forest Ruby Dahlia from American Takii
California Spring Trials 2025 will be held from March 26–29, 2025, and California Spring Trials 2026 will be held from March 25–28, 2026. Additional information on CAST 2025 and CAST 2026 locations and featured breeders will be made available as each event date approaches.
Revisiting CAST 2024: Videos on Benary, Kientzler, and American Takii Varieties