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Since the election at the end of last year, sales of dystopian and authoritarian fiction have skyrocketed. This isn’t the first time, though. The same thing happened in early 2017 upon the first inauguration of the current president. Readers are turning to classics like 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale to understand the sociopolitical reality we’re in and consider ways to push back against it.
Teens aren’t immune to feeling the nervous energy right now, just as they’re not immune to feeling sheer terror as they face the realities of ongoing book censorship, unstable educational futures, what might happen with ongoing immigration raids, and being too young to feel like they can make an impact. Even though teens should not need to fight back, they are, and we’ve seen teens upon teens upon teens showing up and doing the work. These examples are all book censorship-related, but that’s not the only issue that they’re engaging with. There’s climate change, immigration, housing, food insecurity, queer rights, period poverty, prison abolition, and so many other topics within which teens are expressing themselves and working to create change.
One means of activism and advocacy that can be easily overlooked—in part because it leans into activities frequently coded as “feminine”—is craftivism. Craftivism, or the use of arts and crafts to engage in justice and change, has a long history and it’s an accessible means of encouraging people to be creative while advocating for reform. Craftivism goes way back, even if it didn’t have as clever a name. Take, for example, how quilting has played a role in bringing awareness to the AIDS epidemic, during the period of American enslavement, and the colonization of Native Hawaii.
There are few nonfiction books written specifically for YA readers related to craftivism, but the majority of craftivism books published for adult readers are perfectly appropriate, accessible, and engaging for teens. Find here a selection of books to get the teens—and adults, including, perhaps, yourself—excited about the ways they can use art and craft as a form of activism and protest. If you work with teens, perhaps there’s an opportunity to engage in some meaningful programming (I had the opportunity in 2019 to watch a craftivism program as part of a body positivity camp run by activist Amy Pence Brown, which you can see the results of on her blog).
It should be noted that despite the history of craftivism in marginalized communities, books on the topic are still primarily by white authors.
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Crafting a Better World: Inspiration and DIY Projects for Craftivists: A Dynamic Craft Book with Hands-On Projects, Learn to Make Art that Makes a Difference by Diana Weymar
This book mixes essays with craftivist profiles with DIY project ideas to encourage readers to try their hands at art and craft with an activist bent. It includes some tough medicine about how vital it is to take action alongside reminders to be kind to yourself and refill your own cup.
Some of the material in here may make some readers uncomfortable, as they are related to abortion and gender-based violence. That’s the point, of course—remember that young people will simply skip over things they’re not ready to read.

Crafting Change: Handmade Activism, Past and Present by Jessica Vitkus
Written specifically for teens, this guide to craftivism talks about the history of the movement, as well as its contemporary manifestations. In addition to profiling artists and their work, there are plenty of simple projects included—it’s the kind of book that’s perfect for those who think they’re not “good” at arts or crafts (something that, it should be emphasized, is absolutely not a requirement for craftivism—the DIY/unpolished/amateur/scrappy nature is a big part of the point!).

The Craftivist Collective Handbook: Projects, Stories and Methods for Your Gentle Protests by Sarah P. Corbett
If you want a book that’s heavier on projects, look no further. Corbett’s pulled together 20 different ideas in this collection, perfect for all skill levels.
This one’s subtitle is about “gentle protests,” and in an era where gentle and cozy have become really cherished things, it’s a reminder that you can engage in pushback while also focusing on ensuring you yourself do not burn out.

Let’s Move the Needle: An Activism Handbook for Artists, Crafters, Creatives, and Makers; Build Community and Make Change! by Shannon Downey
One of the aspects of craftivism that’s so powerful is that it builds community and solidarity. Downey’s book is meant to help focus on what it means to engage with craftivism, what it looks like to build and sustain community, and educate and empower creatives to use their skills to make change.
There is less focus on what kinds of things you can make here. It’s more focused on who you are and how you can bring your skills, your creativity, your passions, and your areas of strength to creating change through art and craft. There are essays, journal prompts, and plenty of opportunities to discover yourself through the process (this is my jam—too often, we forget that one of the takeaways from activism is learning about who we are and what we are truly capable of—see this guide to 56 small tasks to push back against book censorship).

Rebel Crafts: Fifteen Craftivism Projects to Change the World by Hester van Overbeek
Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced crafter, you’ll find plenty to try out in this collection of craftivism ideas. There are 15 projects, and not only are the steps to completing them straightforward and easy to follow, there are ideas for where and how these projects can be used. Sometimes that’s the biggest hangup to craftivism—you make the thing, but then what? This book provides some of the answers. You get to supply the rest since the only limits are your imagination.