The medical aesthetics market is projected to grow 7% per year through 2029

The global medical aesthetics market is projected to grow by 7% per year through 2029, from 21.7 billion euros in 2024, according to industry forecasts released Thursday, January 30.

In 2024, the sector had a record year, marked by 8% growth for the dermatology, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine markets, according to a report published on the occasion of the IMCAS world congress in Paris.

This year alone, practitioners expect revenue growth of 16% on average, according to a study by Boston Consulting Group of 5,000 respondents in 10 major markets including Brazil, China, and the United States.

Although a slight slowdown is expected in some markets, such as the United States and China, the sector should continue to gain consumers. “The growth potential lies more in expanding the consumer market than in price increases,” said Humberto Antunes of venture capital firm Gore Range Capital.

Injections (botulinum toxins and hyaluronic acid injections in particular) continue to dominate the sector, representing 46% of the global market.

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